Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Pro-Abortion Signs Actually Work

A Kansas woman rethought her stance on abortion after reading a pro-abortion protest sign.

Lucy Garrison of Wichita, Kan. attended an "abortion rights" march in Washington last month in hopes to voice her own anti-abortion message.

When she arrived at the march, she saw a pro-abortion advocate holding up a sign from the National Organization for Women that read, "keep abortion legal."

"I never thought of it that way before," said Garrison. "I didn't know their side of the story until I read that sign. It's like a cloud has been lifted."

Garrison said that she used to rally against abortion based on her opinion that it is murder.

"Boy, was I wrong," she said. "Think of all the time I wasted worrying about this crap.

"The abortion rights advocates have a lot to say, and to me, they have summed up their brilliant argument on that sign."

During the march, violence almost erupted between the pro and anti-abortion protesters when shouting matches turned to pushing and shoving.

The abortion rights demonstrators averted a confrontation by flashing the "keep abortion legal" signs which resulted in mass hugs and staunch allies.

"They're right," said one former pro-life advocate while burying her face in her hands.

Several women who were converted by the sign's message noticed a change in their thinking that goes in line with most women who are pro-abortion - a sudden dislike for children and the urge to buy a couple of pet cats.

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