Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Noah's Arc Used For Global Warming Awareness

According to AFP:

The environmental pressure group Greenpeace said Wednesday that its volunteers were constructing a model of the Biblical Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat in eastern Turkey to raise public awareness over global warming.

"Greenpeace started to build a Noah's Ark on the Mount Ararat to point to the threat of the new climate catastrophe," Andree Bohling, the group's energy campaigner, told a press conference here.

"Global climate change is the biggest threat to our planet since the times of Noah," he added. "We are about to face a new flood."

"Think of what Noah had to go through in the story," said group volunteer Andy Weaver. "Just like us, Noah had the knowledge of what was about to happen and what action he needed to take."

When asked if Greenpeace takes the Old Testament story about Noah literally as history, Weaver scoffed.

"It's just to make a point. Of course I don't believe in fairy tales," he said.

"I mean, come on! The story of Noah is just made-up, fairy tale nonsense with no hard scientific evidence to back it up. HA! Some people will believe in anything.

"Now, let's get back to the facts about man-made global warming and how it has already caused droughts, storms, floods, and will be the cause of every major war due to the lack of vital resources that will all be depleted due to this all-of-a-sudden climate change which will alter life on this planet in a disastrous and unimaginable way. It's true."

Weaver went on to say that the fact that man-made global warming will not only cause death and destruction on an unprecedented level, but it will actually impact the rotation of the earth, is nothing like the "fictional cartoons" of Biblical stories.

"You have to be careful with all these fantastical Bible stories," he said. "The stories don't become true just because you have some smart, well-dressed guy in a church preaching Biblical accounts of floods, famine and war due to God's wrath. Come on!"

Weaver hopes that Greenpeace's efforts will bring Al Gore into the presidential ring because "we need an intelligent, well-dressed individual in the highest office to warn the world about floods, famine and war due to global warming."

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