Friday, April 20, 2007

Scientists Running Out Of Global Disasters

Scientists have predicted various disasters to impact the earth in the coming years due to global warming.

According to Live Science, the earth will attain higher levels of environmental instability resulting in disappearing glaciers, epic flooding, drought, famine, diseases, extinction of plants and animals, and even a change in the rotation rate of the earth.

While the list may seem menacing, scientists are frustrated that they cannot come up with more disasters that could potentially destroy every living creature.

"Sure, the list of disasters is awesome," said scientist Thomas Gibson. "But people have survived floods, droughts, and famine in the past. We need a global warming disaster so catastrophic that even the cockroaches couldn't survive.

"Otherwise, people won't be scared enough to take what I have to say seriously."

Gibson claims that coming up with new global warming-produced disasters is difficult, but it's worth it to put the fear into people, even if the predictions are a little far-fetched.

"Sure people may scoff at melting glaciers," said Gibson, "but how about a giant asteroid that will collide with the earth because global warming caused something to happen with, um, the earth's magnetic field, which somehow will attract asteroids or something.

"I'm still working on that one."

Other global warming catastrophes that Gibson is kicking around: oceans of lava, killer mutants, loss of gravity, quicksand, illiteracy, human spontaneous combustion, and something to do with midgets.

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