Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Scouts Threatened Due To Discrimination

According to CNSNews:

Seven years after the U.S. Supreme Court allowed the Boy Scouts of America to exclude homosexuals from its leadership ranks, the organization continues to face retaliation.

The latest action comes from the Philadelphia City Council, which last week passed a resolution to evict the Boy Scouts of America's Cradle of Liberty Council (COL) from the rent-free headquarters it has held for nearly 80 years, unless the COL backs away from its homosexual exclusion policy.

City Solicitor Sam Diego claims that baring homosexuals from leadership ranks within the private organization breaks anti-discrimination laws.

"It's not just the Boy Scouts who are discriminating," said Diego, "it's all of them: Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Brownies, and Girl Scouts. All of them!"

Diego, the 57 year-old former attorney, said that at one time, he tried to get involved in a leadership position, but was "soundly discriminated against."

"Why is it such a big deal when a fine older gent as myself wants to lead Girl Scout meetings with 10 little girls alone in my basement?

"Is it because I'm a heterosexual MAN who wants to be alone with a bunch of young girls? See, just like the homosexual male, I was discriminated against," said Diego.

"It's not fair," he continued. "I have NEEDS to position myself above kids. I mean, given head position. I mean 'leader'. I want to be a leader."

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