Thursday, June 28, 2007

Mars Rover To Study Crater

According to the AP:

NASA's aging but durable Mars rover Opportunity will make what could be a trip of no return into a deep impact crater as it tries to peer further back than ever into the Red Planet's geologic history.

The descent into Victoria Crater received the go-ahead because the potential scientific returns are worth the risk that the solar-powered, six-wheel rover might not be able to climb out, NASA officials and scientists said Thursday.

Recently released documents show that the rover had been programmed with a form of advanced artificial intelligence, allowing it to understand and communicate with transmitted text.

"We would simply type instructions to the rover and we then read its response on our rover monitor," said John Billings, NASA scientist.

The following is a partial communication transcript between NASA and the Mars rover.

NASA: Rover. Are you there? Copy.

Rover: You mean on Mars? Of course I'm here! Where the hell else would I be? Next time you speak with me, just assume that I am on Mars.

NASA: We're about to commence on the new mission.

Rover: Oh, the suicide crater mission? 3 1/2 years of looking at all these stupid rocks for you geniuses, and this is the thanks I get? A giant ditch?

NASA: Okay, you are nearing the ridge of the crater. What do you see?

Rover: Woah!

NASA: What is it?

Rover: Oh, my God! There are plants down here! And water!

NASA: Really?

Rover: No, there's red sand, you idiots. Get me out of here! I hate you guys.

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